1887 - In Denver, religious leaders founded the Charity Organizations Society, the first "United Way" organization, which planned and coordinated local services and conducted a single fund-raising campaign for 22 agencies. They raised $21,700
1956 - The Lincoln County Junior Chamber members would complete with fundraising for March of Dimes, Red Cross and Boy Scouts. Year after year they would fund-raise for one agency and start on the next. Citizens were tired of being asked again and again for money.
After the campaign in 1956 Mayor Tait and a concerned group of Citizens sat down to figure out what to do. Mayor Tait and then new president for the Junior Chamber Jim Moore and other citizens decided to have one campaign a year. They called it the United Fund and the first fundraising event was June 17, 1957. They raised $20,000.
November 3, 1960 - the United Fund was incorporated. Original board members were Terrill Wilkenson Jr., D.H. Mauney Jr, J.A. Burris, J.E. Henley, Jack Brown, John Friday, P.J. Bockley, Sallie Sumner, A.L. Goldsmith, G.W. Connor, S. Ray Lowder, Smack Proctor, Evelyn James, Dr. Boyce Griggs, Dr. John Gamble, Norris Childers, W.D. Hoyle, Gordon Goodson, Dr. Leary Reid, Dr. John Fitzgerald, Georgette Heavner, and Mayor Tait.
1987 - The United Fund became the United Way of Lincoln County with a Mission to increase the organized capacity to care for one another.
1990 - United Way of Lincoln County hired its first director.
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