United Way fights for the health, education and financial stability of every person in Lincoln County.
We're more than fundraisers. We're the hand raisers and the game changers.
We harness our collective powers and we fight. Because change doesn't happen alone.
Hope isn't a one-man band.
And to live better, we must LIVE UNITED!
So raise your hand if you're ready to be a game changer and support YOUR United Way!
What is Advancing the common good
Advancing the common good is less about helping one person at a time and more about changing systems to help all of us. We are all connected and interdependent. We all win when a child succeeds in school, when families are financially stable, when people are healthy. United Way’s goal is to create long-lasting changes by addressing the underlying causes of these problems. Living united means being a part of the change. It takes everyone in the community working together to create a brighter future. Give. Advocate. Volunteer. LIVE UNITED AND OPEN DOORS!
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