Every year, millions of employees get involved in workplace giving campaigns to support local United Way solutions. At United Way of Lincoln County, most of our funds come from workplace campaigns. This means that individual donors make up the base of support for our programs providing education, food, and safety net services.
We have many Lincoln County businesses that run outstanding workplace campaigns for us! Thank you Atrium Health Lincoln, Aptar, Timken, First Federal Savings Bank, BB&T, Woodforest National Bank, Carolina Trust Bank, Lincoln County Government, City of Lincolnton, Lincoln County School System, Peoples Bank, Fifth Third Bank and Publix.
Did you know that even small donations can make a large impact.
For just $5 a paycheck (equaling $130 per year), you can send a
child with development delays to camp for a week through A Place to Grow!
Beyond giving, workplace campaigns through the United Way strengthen ties between employees and their community. UWLC's mission is to connect people, resources and ideas to create a thriving community. With your help, we can provide assistance for those in our community who need it most. You are the main ingredient in the Recipe for Caring!
For more information about workplace campaigns or to schedule a campaign presentation, contact Alisha Friday at afriday@unitedwayoflincolncounty.org or at 704-240-8621.
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